Legislative Session 2024
SB 68 / HB 1335: Reckless and Negligent Driving – Death of Another – Must-Appear Violation (Sherry’s and Christian’s Law). Sponsors: Senators Carozza, Gile, Jennings, Klausmeier, Watson & West. Delegates: Szeliga:
Providing that a person charged with reckless or negligent driving must appear in court and may not prepay the fine if the reckless or negligent driving contributed to an accident that resulted in the death of another person, unless a court for good cause shown waives the requirement to appear. Committee: Senate Judicial Proceedings: Hearing: 1/31/2024 at 1:00pm: ABATE Position: SUPPORT. Committee: House Judiciary: Hearing: March 6, 2024 at 1pm
SB 503 / HB 639: Vehicle Laws – Protective Headgear Requirement – Exception (In Remembrance of Gary “Pappy” Boward): Sponsors: SB503: Senators McKay, Ready, Salling, Mautz & Carter; HB639:
Delegates Wivell, Baker, Hinebaugh, A. Johnson, & Valentine. Synopsis: Establishing an exception to the prohibition against operating or riding on a motorcycle without certain protective headgear for an individual at least 21 years of age who has been licensed to operate a motorcycle for at least 2 years or has completed a certain motorcycle safety course and for the individual’s passenger.
Senate Judicial Proceedings; Thursday, February 22, 2024 – 1:00pm: House Environment & Transportation:
Hearing date: Thursday, February 14, 2024 – 1:00pm: ABATE Position: SUPPORT
HB 64: Motor Vehicle Excise Tax – Tax Credit for Electric Vehicles – Eligibility: Altering eligibility for the vehicle excise tax credit for the purchase of certain electric vehicles to include certain vehicles purchased used and titled on or after July 1, 2024, but before July 1, 2027.
Committee: House Environment & Transportation.
Hearing: 2/01/2024 at 1:00pm
HB 77: Motor Vehicles – Parking – Armed Forces Special Registration Plates: Prohibiting a political subdivision from adopting or enforcing an ordinance, a regulation, or a policy that requires payment of a fee for parking a motor vehicle in a parking space served by a parking meter if the motor vehicle has a certain individually earned, combat-related armed forces special registration plate or a certain disabled veteran special registration plate.
Committee: House Environment & Transportation:
Hearing: 2/01/2024 at 1:00pm: ABATE Position: SUPPORT
HB 102 / SB 730: Motor Vehicles – Motorcycles – Passenger Restrictions: Requiring a rear passenger on a motorcycle to be able to firmly position the passenger’s feet on the footrests of the motorcycle, subject to an exception for permanent physical disability. Committee: House Environment & Transportation: Hearing: 2/01/2024 at 1pm: ABATE Position: Monitoring. Status:002/06/2024: Committee vote 21-0 in favor – no amendments. House floor 110-18.
Committee: Senate JPR:
Hearing: 2/22/2024, Committee vote: 11-0, Senate floor vote: 45-1
HB 113 / SB 42:Vehicle Laws – Horse Riding – Helmet Requirement for Minors: Prohibiting an adult from allowing certain minors to ride a horse, donkey, mule, or pony on a highway, a public horse-riding path, or the grounds of a facility for which the primary purpose is recreational, educational, or competitive equestrian activities unless the minor is wearing a properly secured helmet that meets or exceeds the standards of the American Society of Testing and Materials for protective headgear used in equestrian riding.
Committee: House Environment & Transportation
Hearing: 2/01/2024 at 1:00pm, committee vote: 19-3, House floor vote: 117-21
Senate Judicial Proceedings: 1/31/2024: 1pm
Committee Vote: 9-1 :ABATE Position: Monitoring
HB150: Vehicle Emissions Inspection Program and Diesel Vehicle Emissions Control Program – Fees and Fines: Establishing a recurring fee on each motor vehicle registered in the State that is granted a waiver from, exempted from, or not subject to the Vehicle Emissions Inspection Program and on certain diesel vehicles; requiring the fee to be deposited in the Maryland Strategic Energy Investment Fund and used to provide incentives to expand electric vehicle ownership and to expand electric vehicle infrastructure; etc.
Committee: House Environment & Transportation:
Hearing: 2/01/2024 at 1:00pm: ABATE Position: DOES NOT SUPPORT
HB 178 / SB 55: Vehicle Laws – Disabled Veteran Registration Plates – Issuance: Authorizing the Motor Vehicle Administration to issue certain special disabled veteran registration plates to disabled veterans who are between 50% and 99%, inclusive, service-connected disabled as designated or classified by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs; prohibiting the Administration from charging certain persons the fee required for replacement registration plates under certain circumstances; etc.
Committee: House Environment & Transportation:
Hearing: 2/08/2024 at 1:00pm, committee vote: 22-0, House floor vote: 138-0;
Senate Judicial Proceedings: Hearing: 1/31/2024 at 1pm:9-0, floor vote: 46-0; ABATE Position: SUPPORT
HB212 / SB 155: Vehicle Laws – Noise Abatement Monitoring Systems – Authorization: Authorizing the use of noise abatement monitoring systems in Anne Arundel County, Montgomery County, and Prince George’s County to enforce certain motor vehicle noise requirements; etc.
Committee: House Environment & Transportation: Hearing: 2/08/2024 at 1:00pm, committee vote: FWA 13-6, floor vote 94-39 ;
Senate Judicial Proceedings: Hearing: 1/31/2024 at 1pm: ABATE Position: DOES NOT SUPPORT
HB231 & SB 275: Vehicle Laws – Special Registration Plates – Gold Star and Next of Kin Families: Authorizing the recipient of a U.S. Department of Defense Next of Kin lapel button to apply for special registration plates; and waiving the initial vehicle registration fee associated with, and requiring the name and rank of the deceased service member to be included on, special registration plates issued to the recipient of a Gold Star or a Next of Kin lapel button.
Committee: House Environment & Transportation: Hearing: 2/08/2024 at 1:00pm, committee vote: FWA: 19-0, House floor: 138-0: JPR Vote 9-0, Senate Floor:46-0: ABATE Position: SUPPORT
SB 256: Public Safety – Maryland Police Training and Standards Commission – Revisions: Altering the membership and duties of the Maryland Police Training and Standards Commission; providing that a law enforcement agency may employ an individual as a police officer for a certain period only if the individual is certified or provisionally certified by the Commission; and altering provisions of law relating to the certification and recertification of police officers. This bill affects a portion of the law concerning motorcyclist profiling. However, none of the changes seem to affect motorcyclists negatively. there is a portion of the bill that actually requires a statement condemning motorcycle profiling be added to existing written policies. We will continue to monitor. Committee: Senate Judicial Proceedings: Hearing: 2/06/2024 at 1pm: ABATE Position: Monitoring
Providing that a person charged with reckless or negligent driving must appear in court and may not prepay the fine if the reckless or negligent driving contributed to an accident that resulted in the death of another person, unless a court for good cause shown waives the requirement to appear. Committee: Senate Judicial Proceedings: Hearing: 1/31/2024 at 1:00pm: ABATE Position: SUPPORT. Committee: House Judiciary: Hearing: March 6, 2024 at 1pm
SB 503 / HB 639: Vehicle Laws – Protective Headgear Requirement – Exception (In Remembrance of Gary “Pappy” Boward): Sponsors: SB503: Senators McKay, Ready, Salling, Mautz & Carter; HB639:
Delegates Wivell, Baker, Hinebaugh, A. Johnson, & Valentine. Synopsis: Establishing an exception to the prohibition against operating or riding on a motorcycle without certain protective headgear for an individual at least 21 years of age who has been licensed to operate a motorcycle for at least 2 years or has completed a certain motorcycle safety course and for the individual’s passenger.
Senate Judicial Proceedings; Thursday, February 22, 2024 – 1:00pm: House Environment & Transportation:
Hearing date: Thursday, February 14, 2024 – 1:00pm: ABATE Position: SUPPORT
HB 64: Motor Vehicle Excise Tax – Tax Credit for Electric Vehicles – Eligibility: Altering eligibility for the vehicle excise tax credit for the purchase of certain electric vehicles to include certain vehicles purchased used and titled on or after July 1, 2024, but before July 1, 2027.
Committee: House Environment & Transportation.
Hearing: 2/01/2024 at 1:00pm
HB 77: Motor Vehicles – Parking – Armed Forces Special Registration Plates: Prohibiting a political subdivision from adopting or enforcing an ordinance, a regulation, or a policy that requires payment of a fee for parking a motor vehicle in a parking space served by a parking meter if the motor vehicle has a certain individually earned, combat-related armed forces special registration plate or a certain disabled veteran special registration plate.
Committee: House Environment & Transportation:
Hearing: 2/01/2024 at 1:00pm: ABATE Position: SUPPORT
HB 102 / SB 730: Motor Vehicles – Motorcycles – Passenger Restrictions: Requiring a rear passenger on a motorcycle to be able to firmly position the passenger’s feet on the footrests of the motorcycle, subject to an exception for permanent physical disability. Committee: House Environment & Transportation: Hearing: 2/01/2024 at 1pm: ABATE Position: Monitoring. Status:002/06/2024: Committee vote 21-0 in favor – no amendments. House floor 110-18.
Committee: Senate JPR:
Hearing: 2/22/2024, Committee vote: 11-0, Senate floor vote: 45-1
HB 113 / SB 42:Vehicle Laws – Horse Riding – Helmet Requirement for Minors: Prohibiting an adult from allowing certain minors to ride a horse, donkey, mule, or pony on a highway, a public horse-riding path, or the grounds of a facility for which the primary purpose is recreational, educational, or competitive equestrian activities unless the minor is wearing a properly secured helmet that meets or exceeds the standards of the American Society of Testing and Materials for protective headgear used in equestrian riding.
Committee: House Environment & Transportation
Hearing: 2/01/2024 at 1:00pm, committee vote: 19-3, House floor vote: 117-21
Senate Judicial Proceedings: 1/31/2024: 1pm
Committee Vote: 9-1 :ABATE Position: Monitoring
HB150: Vehicle Emissions Inspection Program and Diesel Vehicle Emissions Control Program – Fees and Fines: Establishing a recurring fee on each motor vehicle registered in the State that is granted a waiver from, exempted from, or not subject to the Vehicle Emissions Inspection Program and on certain diesel vehicles; requiring the fee to be deposited in the Maryland Strategic Energy Investment Fund and used to provide incentives to expand electric vehicle ownership and to expand electric vehicle infrastructure; etc.
Committee: House Environment & Transportation:
Hearing: 2/01/2024 at 1:00pm: ABATE Position: DOES NOT SUPPORT
HB 178 / SB 55: Vehicle Laws – Disabled Veteran Registration Plates – Issuance: Authorizing the Motor Vehicle Administration to issue certain special disabled veteran registration plates to disabled veterans who are between 50% and 99%, inclusive, service-connected disabled as designated or classified by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs; prohibiting the Administration from charging certain persons the fee required for replacement registration plates under certain circumstances; etc.
Committee: House Environment & Transportation:
Hearing: 2/08/2024 at 1:00pm, committee vote: 22-0, House floor vote: 138-0;
Senate Judicial Proceedings: Hearing: 1/31/2024 at 1pm:9-0, floor vote: 46-0; ABATE Position: SUPPORT
HB212 / SB 155: Vehicle Laws – Noise Abatement Monitoring Systems – Authorization: Authorizing the use of noise abatement monitoring systems in Anne Arundel County, Montgomery County, and Prince George’s County to enforce certain motor vehicle noise requirements; etc.
Committee: House Environment & Transportation: Hearing: 2/08/2024 at 1:00pm, committee vote: FWA 13-6, floor vote 94-39 ;
Senate Judicial Proceedings: Hearing: 1/31/2024 at 1pm: ABATE Position: DOES NOT SUPPORT
HB231 & SB 275: Vehicle Laws – Special Registration Plates – Gold Star and Next of Kin Families: Authorizing the recipient of a U.S. Department of Defense Next of Kin lapel button to apply for special registration plates; and waiving the initial vehicle registration fee associated with, and requiring the name and rank of the deceased service member to be included on, special registration plates issued to the recipient of a Gold Star or a Next of Kin lapel button.
Committee: House Environment & Transportation: Hearing: 2/08/2024 at 1:00pm, committee vote: FWA: 19-0, House floor: 138-0: JPR Vote 9-0, Senate Floor:46-0: ABATE Position: SUPPORT
SB 256: Public Safety – Maryland Police Training and Standards Commission – Revisions: Altering the membership and duties of the Maryland Police Training and Standards Commission; providing that a law enforcement agency may employ an individual as a police officer for a certain period only if the individual is certified or provisionally certified by the Commission; and altering provisions of law relating to the certification and recertification of police officers. This bill affects a portion of the law concerning motorcyclist profiling. However, none of the changes seem to affect motorcyclists negatively. there is a portion of the bill that actually requires a statement condemning motorcycle profiling be added to existing written policies. We will continue to monitor. Committee: Senate Judicial Proceedings: Hearing: 2/06/2024 at 1pm: ABATE Position: Monitoring
Legislative Session 2023
2023 Legislative Summary
Reckless and Negligent Driving – Death of Another – Must–Appear Violation (Sherry’s and Christian’s Law) HB360 & SB252: Providing that a person charged with negligent driving must appear in court and may not prepay the fine if the negligent driving contributed to an accident that resulted in the death of another person; and establishing a penalty for a person convicted of a violation of the prohibition on reckless driving of imprisonment not exceeding 5 days or a fine not exceeding $1,000 or both. ABATE supported, obtained co-sponsors on the House bill, and testified in both the Judiciary & JPR committee hearings.
Grass Clippings / Yard Debris: This bill never made it out of writing – NO ACTION
Reckless and Negligent Driving – Death of Another – Must–Appear Violation (Sherry’s and Christian’s Law) HB360 & SB252: Providing that a person charged with negligent driving must appear in court and may not prepay the fine if the negligent driving contributed to an accident that resulted in the death of another person; and establishing a penalty for a person convicted of a violation of the prohibition on reckless driving of imprisonment not exceeding 5 days or a fine not exceeding $1,000 or both. ABATE supported, obtained co-sponsors on the House bill, and testified in both the Judiciary & JPR committee hearings.
- HB360:Status: Died in House Judiciary Committee
- SB252: Status: Received a unanimous favorable vote in the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee (11-0). Received a unanimous favorable vote on the Senate Floor (45-0). The House Judiciary Committee never brought the bill up for a vote. Died in the House Judiciary Committee.
- SB933 Helmet Bill: Vehicle Laws – Protective Headgear Requirement for Motorcycle Rides – Exception (In Remembrance of Gary “Pappy” Boward): The bill had to go to Rule Committee prior to getting assigned to the Senate Judicial Proceedings (JPR) Committee. Due to the time frame, the hearing in JPR was “sponsor only” oral testimony. The bill died in JPR committee. ABATE provided written testimony and attended the JPR committee hearing in support of the bill & Senator McKay.
Grass Clippings / Yard Debris: This bill never made it out of writing – NO ACTION
- HB1207: Motorcycle Passenger Restriction: Requiring a rear passenger on a motorcycle to be able to firmly position the passenger’s feet on the footrests of the motorcycle, subject to an exception for permanent physical disability. Bill received a favorable vote in the House Environment and Transportation Committee (23-0), a favorable vote on the House floor (135-2). The bill dies in the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee
- HB312: Vehicle Emissions Inspection Program – Not Subject to Inspection – Fee: ABATE opposed. Bill was withdrawn by the sponsor
- HB304:Motor Vehicles – Noise Limits and Modification of Exhaust Systems and Noise Abatement Devices.
- SB147 / HB208: Street Racing and Exhibition Driving – Prohibited Acts, Enforcement, and Penalties: SB147 died in committee with no vote. HB208 received a favorable vote in the House Environment & Transportation Committee (20-0) and a favorable with Amendment vote in the House Judiciary Committee. The House passed it (110-25) & it was referred to Rules and then Senate Judicial Proceedings committee. The bill died in JPR committee
- HB1130 / SB229: Vehicle Laws – Noise Abatement Monitoring Systems – Authorization, Use, and Penalties. HB1130 died in the House Environment & Transportation Committee. SB229 received a Favorable with amendments vote (9-2). It passed on the Senate floor (36-7) & was referred to the House Environment & Transportation Committee. The bill died in committee.
- HB944 / SB373 : Charles County – Motorized Minibikes – Regulation and Enforcement. Both bills died in committee
- HB928 : Motor Vehicles – Off-the-Road Motorcycles – Local Regulation and Enforcement – Bill died in committee
- HB1268: Income Tax – Credit for Electric Autocycles, Bicycles, and Motorcycles – bill never made it our of Rules and Executive Nominations Committee.
- HB20: Vehicle Laws – Horse Riding – Helmet Requirement for Minors – E&T Committee: Favorable with amendments: 22-0, House floor: 125-12, Senate JPR: Favorable (10-0)
- HB94 / SB484: Vehicle Laws – Reduction of Speed Limits by Local Authorities – Withdrawn by sponsors
- HB250: Vehicle Laws – Disabled Veteran Registration Plates – Issuance – Favorable with Amendment by E&T 23-0, Passed House 138-0, referred to JPR, Died in committee
- HB367: Vehicle Laws – Stop Sign Monitoring Systems – Authorization – Unfavorable report by E&T 23-0
- HB806 / SB 685 : Vehicle Laws – Autonomous Vehicle Converters – Sale of Autonomous Vehicles – HB806 Env. & Tran (23-0), House Floor: Favorable 138-0), JPR : Favorable (11-0), Senate Floor (42-0) – PASSED
- SB11: Motor Vehicles – Speed Limits – School Zones – JPR Favorable (9-1), Senate Floor (43-0), House E & T: UnFavorable (22-1)
- SB110: Public Safety – Maryland Police Training and Standards Commission: Senate JPR: UnFavorable (9-1)
- SB117: State Highway Administration – Litter Collection and Mowing. Senate Finance Committee: Died in committee
Legislative Session 2022
Legislative session is over. Sine Die (end of session) was April 11, 2022 at midnight. We have provided a summary of the bills that ABATE of Maryland, Inc. worked on in 2022. A note from Bob Spanburgh, Jr., our Chairman of the Board, regarding the 2022 Session is provided below:
As I write this, another Maryland General Assembly Legislative Session has come to a close. Once again, our Helmet Law Modification Bill (SB745) failed to get a vote in the Senate JPR Committee. The “Must Appear” Bill we have been pursuing for so long passed unanimously in the Senate only to be denied a vote in the House Judiciary Committee. Both of these outcomes were discouraging; however, this session should not be qualified as a failure. There were more “Bad Bills” introduced this year than at any session in recent memory. ABATE of Maryland, Inc. and other concerned citizens were able to defeat bills that would have forced the owners of EVERY gasoline or diesel-powered vehicle registered in Maryland to fork over $14 dollars per vehicle to subsidize electric vehicles. We were also able to defeat legislation that would have forced all vehicles to be re-inspected every time you renewed your vehicle’s registration. We also blocked a bill that would have allowed Law Enforcement to pull you over if they “suspected” that your vehicle’s exhaust exceeded new decibel limits contained in within the legislation.
As has frequently been the case ABATE of Maryland, Inc. expects some of these “Bad bills” to be re-filed next year. With that in mind we hope that our membership will continue to recognize the importance of being politically engaged in our ultimate goal of pursuing “Freedom of the Road”. I would like to thank all of you who called and e-mailed your representatives in regard to these bills. Together, we can make a difference. Ask the candidates in this year’s upcoming election where they stand on these issues, and don't forget to vote!
Robert G. Spanburgh Jr.
Chairman of the Board
ABATE of Maryland, Inc.
As has frequently been the case ABATE of Maryland, Inc. expects some of these “Bad bills” to be re-filed next year. With that in mind we hope that our membership will continue to recognize the importance of being politically engaged in our ultimate goal of pursuing “Freedom of the Road”. I would like to thank all of you who called and e-mailed your representatives in regard to these bills. Together, we can make a difference. Ask the candidates in this year’s upcoming election where they stand on these issues, and don't forget to vote!
Robert G. Spanburgh Jr.
Chairman of the Board
ABATE of Maryland, Inc.
Legislative Update: 12 April 2022
SB0745 Vehicle Laws – Protective Headgear Requirement for Motorcycle Riders – Exception
Bill Synopsis: Providing that the prohibition against operating or riding on a motorcycle without certain protective headgear does not apply to an individual at least 21 years old who has been licensed to operate a motorcycle for at least 2 years, has completed a certain motorcycle safety course, or is a passenger on a motorcycle operated by a driver who has been licensed for at least 2 years or has completed a certain motorcycle safety course
SB 0745 Sponsor: Senators Hough, Eckardt, Edwards, and Salling – Link to Bill
Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee
Hearing date: March 15, 2022, 1:00pm
ABATE of Maryland, Inc. position: Support – Favorable
Status: Died in committee – no vote
Bill Synopsis: Providing that the prohibition against operating or riding on a motorcycle without certain protective headgear does not apply to an individual at least 21 years old who has been licensed to operate a motorcycle for at least 2 years, has completed a certain motorcycle safety course, or is a passenger on a motorcycle operated by a driver who has been licensed for at least 2 years or has completed a certain motorcycle safety course
SB 0745 Sponsor: Senators Hough, Eckardt, Edwards, and Salling – Link to Bill
Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee
Hearing date: March 15, 2022, 1:00pm
ABATE of Maryland, Inc. position: Support – Favorable
Status: Died in committee – no vote
HB 1333 Motor Vehicles – Modified Vehicle Exhaust System – Penalties
Altering the penalty for modifying a motor vehicle exhaust system or noise abatement device in a certain manner or for driving on a highway a motor vehicle with an exhaust system or noise abatement device that is modified in a certain manner; and establishing certain exceptions to the prohibitions governing modified motor vehicle exhaust systems or noise abatement devices.
Summary of existing law changes:
Environment and Transportation Committee
ABATE of Maryland, Inc. position: Against – Urge a vote of “UnFavorable“
Status: Died in committee – no vote
Altering the penalty for modifying a motor vehicle exhaust system or noise abatement device in a certain manner or for driving on a highway a motor vehicle with an exhaust system or noise abatement device that is modified in a certain manner; and establishing certain exceptions to the prohibitions governing modified motor vehicle exhaust systems or noise abatement devices.
Summary of existing law changes:
- Does Not Apply to: Historic motor vehicle, historic truck, tractor or motor home & Street Rods
- May be cited (ticketed) with the offense
- May be issued a safety equipment order repair (inspection ticket)
- Fines:
- 1st offense: $200
- 2nd offense: $300
- 3rd & subsequent offenses: $400
Environment and Transportation Committee
- Hearing date: 3/10 at 1:00 p.m
ABATE of Maryland, Inc. position: Against – Urge a vote of “UnFavorable“
Status: Died in committee – no vote
HB0007 / SB0025 Reckless and Negligent Driving – Death of Another – Must–Appear Violation (Sherry’s and Christopher’s Law)
Bill Synopsis: Providing that a person charged with reckless or negligent driving must appear in court and may not prepay the fine if the reckless or negligent driving contributed to an accident that resulted in the death of another person.
HB 0007 Sponsor: Delegate Szeliga – Link to Bill
Bill Synopsis: Providing that a person charged with reckless or negligent driving must appear in court and may not prepay the fine if the reckless or negligent driving contributed to an accident that resulted in the death of another person.
HB 0007 Sponsor: Delegate Szeliga – Link to Bill
- House Judiciary Committee
- Hearing date: Hearing 1/19 at 1:00 p.m.
- Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee
- Hearing date: Hearing 1/18 at 1:00 p.m.
- Committee Vote: 04Feb2022: FWA: 11 Yea (favorable), 0 Nay
- Hearing date: Hearing 1/18 at 1:00 p.m.
- Senate Floor Vote: 14Feb2022: 45 Yea (favorable), 0 Nay
- HB 7 Died in committee – no vote
- SB25 Passed in Senate – Died in House Judiciary Committee – no vote
HB 0046 / SB0104 Vehicle Emissions Inspection Program – Not Subject to Inspection – Fee
Bill Synopsis: Establishing a fee of $14 to be collected once every 2 years on each motor vehicle registered in the State that is granted a waiver from, exempted from, or not subject to the Vehicle Emissions Inspection Program; and requiring the fee to be deposited in the Maryland Strategic Energy Investment Fund and be used to incentivize and purchase electric vehicles and expand electric vehicle infrastructure.
HB 0046 Sponsor: Delegate Fraser-Hidalgo – Link to Bill
ABATE of Maryland, Inc. position: Against – Urge a vote of “Unfavorable“
Status: Died in committee – no vote
Bill Synopsis: Establishing a fee of $14 to be collected once every 2 years on each motor vehicle registered in the State that is granted a waiver from, exempted from, or not subject to the Vehicle Emissions Inspection Program; and requiring the fee to be deposited in the Maryland Strategic Energy Investment Fund and be used to incentivize and purchase electric vehicles and expand electric vehicle infrastructure.
HB 0046 Sponsor: Delegate Fraser-Hidalgo – Link to Bill
- Environment and Transportation Committee
- Hearing date: Hearing 1/20 at 1:00 p.m.
- Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee
- Hearing date: Hearing 1/18 at 1:00 p.m.
ABATE of Maryland, Inc. position: Against – Urge a vote of “Unfavorable“
Status: Died in committee – no vote
SB0670 Vehicle Laws – Registration Renewal – Inspection Requirement
Bill Synopsis: Requiring the Motor Vehicle Administration to require, if applicable, the submission of a valid registration renewal inspection certificate before renewing a motor vehicle registration; requiring a registration renewal inspection to include a certain examination of certain motor vehicle equipment; providing that a registration renewal inspection certificate shall remain valid for 90 days; requiring a registration renewal inspection certificate to include certain information; etc.
SB 0670 Sponsor: Senator Smith – Link to Bill
ABATE of Maryland, Inc. position: Monitoring
Status: Died in committee – no vote
Bill Synopsis: Requiring the Motor Vehicle Administration to require, if applicable, the submission of a valid registration renewal inspection certificate before renewing a motor vehicle registration; requiring a registration renewal inspection to include a certain examination of certain motor vehicle equipment; providing that a registration renewal inspection certificate shall remain valid for 90 days; requiring a registration renewal inspection certificate to include certain information; etc.
SB 0670 Sponsor: Senator Smith – Link to Bill
- Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee
- Hearing date: February 24, 2022, 1:00pm
ABATE of Maryland, Inc. position: Monitoring
Status: Died in committee – no vote
2021 Session Legislative Summary
SB495 & HB668: Must Appear Bill: Providing that a person charged with reckless or negligent driving that contributes to an accident that results in the death of another person must appear in court and may not prepay the fine. This would be a modification to the previously passed ROW bill from 2008:
- Bill from 2020: HB1186 – 2020
- Sponsor & cosponsors: Senator Cassilly & Delegate Szeliga
- Committee: Senate: Judicial Proceedings & House: Judiciary
- House Judiciary Committee YouTube page: Judiciary YouTube
- Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee YouTube page: Senate JPR YouTube
- Status: No Vote – Died in committee – Both chambers
- ABATE of Maryland Position: Support
SB0712 Helmet Exception Bill: Providing that the prohibition against operating or riding on a motorcycle without certain protective headgear does not apply to an individual at least 21 years old who has been licensed to operate a motorcycle for at least 2 years, has completed a certain motorcycle safety course, or is a passenger on a motorcycle operated by a driver who has been licensed for at least 2 years or has completed a certain motorcycle safety course.
- Previous year Bill number: SB0237 – 2020
- The hearing will be held in the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee
- Bill Sponsors: Senators Hough, Baily, Carozza, Cassilly Eckardt, Edwards, Kramer, Ready, Salling and Simonaire
- Committee Hearing date: Tuesday, February 23, 2021, 1:00PM
- ABATE of Maryland Position: Support
- Status: No Vote – Died in JPR committee
Del. Steve Arentz (R, District 36) filed this bill again this year and we are seeking support from bicyclists, the AMA, the Chesapeake Bay Foundation and the Shore River Keepers Association
- Previous year Bill number: HB008
- Bill Sponsor: Del. Steve Arentz
- House Committee: Environment and Transportation
- ABATE of Maryland Position: Support
- Current Laws in Maryland:
- Maryland Code, Transportation § 21-1111
- Maryland Code, Criminal Law § 10-110
- Amendments: HB1114 Amendment 803526-01 HB 1114 Amendment 723723-01 HB 1114 Amendment 373526-01
- Passed by Committee (23-1) – FWA (3/19/2021) and the House (3/20/2021)
- Committee Voting Record: HB 1114 Committee Vote
- Bill as amended: HB 1114 Amended House
- Status: Senate Judicial Committee Hearing 4/1/2021
- No vote – died in JPR Committee
SB 17 & HB 855 Wades Law: prohibit a person from causing a life-threatening injury to another as a result of the person’s driving, operating, or controlling a motor vehicle or vessel in a criminally negligent manner; exempting certain conduct that results in a life-threatening injury to another; and establishing a penalty of imprisonment not exceeding 18 months or a fine not exceeding $5,000 or both for a violation of the Act.
Sponsor & co-sponsors:
SB293 HB118
- Senate: Senator Mary Beth Carozza & Senator Chris West
- House: Delegate Hartman
- Previous Year Bill No: 2020 SB 29
- Committee: Senate Judicial Proceedings & House Judiciary
- Status
- SB17
- Senate, JPR Committee: Passed 11-0
- Senate Floor: Passed 47-0
- House Judiciary: Passed 18-1 Favorable w/Amendments
- House Floor: Passed 132-1
- Came back to Senate (amendments), Passed 46-0, Enrolled 4/12/2021
- HB855
- House Judiciary: Passed 15-5 Favorable w/Amendments
- House Floor: Passed 127-7
- Senate JPR: No vote
- ABATE of Maryland Position: Support
SB293 HB118
- Sponsor: Senator Waldstreicher & Delegates Stein & Malone
- Previous Year Bill No: SB0512 & HB0721 Session: 2020 Regular Session
- Committee: Senate Judicial Proceedings House: Environment and Transportation
- Status: (SB 293)
- Senate – Hearing: Voted out of Committee, 11-0 Favorable vote
- Senate Floor Vote: 45-0 (3/5/2021)
- Senate – Hearing: Voted out of Committee, 11-0 Favorable vote
- House: Hearing: voted out of committee, 24-0 Favorable with Amendments
- House Floor Vote: 131-0 – Passed in the House
- Returned to Senate (amendments), passed
- – Headed to Governor for signature
- Status: (HB0118)
- House: Hearing: voted out of committee, 24-0 Favorable
- House Floor Vote: 133-2 – Passed in the House
- Senate – Hearing: Voted out of Committee, 11-0 Favorable with Amendments
- Senate Floor Vote: 47-0
- House: Passed, enrolled, 4/8/2021
- Headed to Governor for signature
- House: Hearing: voted out of committee, 24-0 Favorable
- ABATE of Maryland Position: Support
- House Sponsor & cosponsors: Delegate Stewart
- House Committee: Environment and Transportation
- Senate Sponsor & Cosponsor: Senators Kramer and Zucker
- Senate Committee: Judicial Proceedings
- Status (HB178):
- House:E&T Committee hearing, Committee, voted favorable with amendments 24-0,
- House floor vote 128-0 Favorable
- Referred to Senate JPR – No Vote – Died in Committee
- Status (SB408):
- Senate JPR: No Vote – Died in Committee
- ABATE of Maryland Position: Support with amendment
Legislative Session 2020 ended abruptly due to COVID-19. Many bills never got addressed. The bills that we worked on in 2020 are listed below:
HB 1186 Must Appear Bill: if violating the right-of-way of or causing the serious physical injury or death of a vulnerable individual as a result of the person operating a vehicle in a careless or distracted manner, the violator may be fined up to a certain dollar amount and must appear in court. This would be a modification to the previously passed ROW bill from 2008:
HB 1186 Must Appear Bill: if violating the right-of-way of or causing the serious physical injury or death of a vulnerable individual as a result of the person operating a vehicle in a careless or distracted manner, the violator may be fined up to a certain dollar amount and must appear in court. This would be a modification to the previously passed ROW bill from 2008:
- HB1186: Reckless and Negligent Driving – Death of Another – Must-Appear Violation: Providing that a person charged with reckless or negligent driving that contributes to an accident that results in the death of another person must appear in court and may not prepay the fine.
- Sponsor & cosponsors: Delegates Szeliga, Fraser-Hidalgo, Jacobs, and Otto
- Committee: Judiciary
- Session concluded early due to COVID-19, this bill never got a committee vote
SB 237 Helmet Exception Bill: Providing that the prohibition against operating or riding on a motorcycle without certain protective headgear does not apply to an individual at least 21 years old who has been licensed to operate a motorcycle for at least 2 years, has completed a certain motorcycle safety course, or is a passenger on a motorcycle operated by a driver who has been licensed for at least 2 years or has completed a certain motorcycle safety course.
- Bill number: SB0237
- The hearing has been held in the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee
- Bill Sponsors: Senators Hough, Bailey, Carozza, Carter, Cassilly, Eckardt, Edwards, Gallion, Kramer, Ready, Reilly, Salling, Serafini, Simonaire, and Smith
- Committee Hearing date: February 4, 2020 at 1pm in the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee
- Status: Defeated in committee by a 6-5 vote on February 18, 2020. A bill cosponsor flipped on us and voted unfavorable. A voting record will be published when available. We had convinced another member of the committee (Se. West) to vote favorable, giving us a majority when considering there were 5 sponsors of the bill on the committee. However, when Sen. Jill Carter-sponsor, flipped her vote, we lost 6-5.
HB 8 Grass Clippings: Expanding the Illegal Dumping and Litter Control Law to include yard waste; establishing a penalty for a violation of the Act; prohibiting a court from imposing less than the mandatory minimum fine of $50 for a violation of the Act; and requiring a court to order a person found guilty of disposing of yard waste in violation of the Act to remove or render harmless the yard waste or reimburse the State, county, municipal corporation, or bi-county unit for its costs incurred in removing the yard waste.
Del. Steve Arentz (R, District 36) has filed the bill and we are working with his office to pursue this legislation in 2020.
- Bill number: HB008
- A hearing was held on January 29, 2020 at 2PM in the Environment and Transportation Committee
- Bill Sponsor: Del. Steve Arentz (R, District 36)
- House Committee: Environment and Transportation
- Bill withdrawn on 2/21/2020 (Committee indicated to sponsor it would not get a favorable vote)
HB0920: Motor Vehicles – Motorcycles – Overtaking and Passing Vehicles: Requiring the Motor Vehicle Administration to adopt certain guidelines for the operation of a motorcycle on a roadway that is divided into two or more clearly marked lanes for vehicular traffic; and repealing certain provisions of law that prohibit an operator of a motorcycle on certain roadways from overtaking and passing in the same lane occupied by the vehicle being overtaken and from operating a motorcycle between lanes of traffic or between adjacent lines or rows of vehicles.
Legislative Session 2019
A summary by Bob Spanburgh, Executive Director, ABATE of MD, Inc.
Well, another legislative Session has come and gone. On April 8th @ 11:30 pm the final gavel fell on the 2019 Session. A year that started with the swearing-in of so many new faces ended with the departure of some long-time familiar faces.
Abate of Md. forged some new relationships while hopefully making some inroads in the all-important Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee. JPC member Sen. Michael Hough introduced our Helmet Modification Bill (SB 981). His staff members Brendan, Steve and Bob were of immeasurable help throughout the Session. We had enough co-sponsors within the Committee to pass the bill out of the JPC to the full Senate. We were unfortunately unable to secure a Committee vote. We will be pre-filing this legislation for 2020.
House Speaker Michael Busch passed away the day before the session closed. This guarantees there will be new faces in the Legislature and its committees. I predict more changes will transpire next year. Thank You to all our Abate Members who came down and helped us lobby this year. I would also like to offer a hearty Thanks to the COC for its support. The lobbying support on Monday nights from Tribes MC, Hells Angels MC, Kings of Mayhem MC, Chosen Sons MC, Boozefighters MC and all whom I might have left out was a huge help. We will continue to pursue our agenda in Annapolis.
Abate of Md. forged some new relationships while hopefully making some inroads in the all-important Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee. JPC member Sen. Michael Hough introduced our Helmet Modification Bill (SB 981). His staff members Brendan, Steve and Bob were of immeasurable help throughout the Session. We had enough co-sponsors within the Committee to pass the bill out of the JPC to the full Senate. We were unfortunately unable to secure a Committee vote. We will be pre-filing this legislation for 2020.
House Speaker Michael Busch passed away the day before the session closed. This guarantees there will be new faces in the Legislature and its committees. I predict more changes will transpire next year. Thank You to all our Abate Members who came down and helped us lobby this year. I would also like to offer a hearty Thanks to the COC for its support. The lobbying support on Monday nights from Tribes MC, Hells Angels MC, Kings of Mayhem MC, Chosen Sons MC, Boozefighters MC and all whom I might have left out was a huge help. We will continue to pursue our agenda in Annapolis.
Additional 2019 Items
2019 Legislation – Motorcycle Related
SB 804 – Vehicle Laws – Injury or Death of Vulnerable Individual – Penalties
(Cross Filed HB 0112)
(Cross Filed HB 0112)
Prohibiting a person from causing the serious physical injury or death of a vulnerable individual as a result of the person operating a vehicle in a careless or distracted manner or in violation of any other rules of the road provisions of the Maryland Vehicle Law; establishing that a person convicted of a violation of the Act may be fined up to $2,000 and must appear in court and may not prepay the fine; establishing additional penalties of participation in a motor vehicle safety course and up to 150 hours of community service; etc.
Sponsor: Senator Lee
Co-Sponsors: Senator Smith
Committee: Judicial Proceedings
ABATE Position: Supporting this bill & has testified in the hearings
The HB0112 has passed the House floor vote and SB804 is proceeding thru the Senate. This is one more step is our previous legislation regarding right-of-way violation. It provides a penalty section.
Suggested Email/Phone Script: I am contacting (Senator/Committee Chair) to urge a vote and favorable report for SB 804, relating to Injury or Death of Vulnerable Individual.
(MD Resident and Registered Voter)
Sponsor: Senator Lee
Co-Sponsors: Senator Smith
Committee: Judicial Proceedings
ABATE Position: Supporting this bill & has testified in the hearings
The HB0112 has passed the House floor vote and SB804 is proceeding thru the Senate. This is one more step is our previous legislation regarding right-of-way violation. It provides a penalty section.
Suggested Email/Phone Script: I am contacting (Senator/Committee Chair) to urge a vote and favorable report for SB 804, relating to Injury or Death of Vulnerable Individual.
(MD Resident and Registered Voter)
HB917 – Motor Vehicles – Motorcycles – Overtaking and Passing Vehicles
Cross Filed: No
Requiring the Motor Vehicle Administration to adopt certain guidelines for the operation of a motorcycle on a roadway that is divided into two or more clearly marked lanes for vehicular traffic; and repealing certain provisions of law that prohibit an operator of a motorcycle on certain roadways from overtaking and passing in the same lane occupied by the vehicle being overtaken and from operating a motorcycle between lanes of traffic or between adjacent lanes or rows of vehicles.
Sponsor: Delegate Szeliga
Co Sponsors: Delegates, Arentz, Bromwell, and Jacobs
Committee: Environment and Transportation
Requiring the Motor Vehicle Administration to adopt certain guidelines for the operation of a motorcycle on a roadway that is divided into two or more clearly marked lanes for vehicular traffic; and repealing certain provisions of law that prohibit an operator of a motorcycle on certain roadways from overtaking and passing in the same lane occupied by the vehicle being overtaken and from operating a motorcycle between lanes of traffic or between adjacent lanes or rows of vehicles.
Sponsor: Delegate Szeliga
Co Sponsors: Delegates, Arentz, Bromwell, and Jacobs
Committee: Environment and Transportation
Legislative Session 2018
ABATE of Maryland, Inc. had a pretty good start to the year. Del. Wayne Norman sponsored The Helmet exception bill SB 0439. However, Senator Norman passed away near the end of the session. Although we attracted more support this year, it was just not going to happen this year.
Legislative Session 2017
ABATE of Maryland had a pretty good year in Annapolis. We renewed a lot of connections and made a few new ones. Legislation status of a few motorcycle related bills:
HB 0756 – Vehicle Shows – Passed
HB 0329 – Must Appear Bill – Got held up in Committee – No vote
HB 1410 – The Helmet Exception Bill: ABATE testified in the Committee hearing. They managed to gain 3 more votes than they had last year on a similar bill. For those of you that have been to Annapolis & been to these hearings, gaining three more votes is a major milestone. Congratulations to all those who got involved, contacted your legislators and made the effort. Keep on working hard. They are slowly turning our way!
Legislative Session 2016
Helmet Law Modification Bill:
This bill, with a lead sponsor and 30 co-sponsors, failed in committee by a vote of 18-6. The bill would have allowed helmet choice for adult motorcycle operators at least 21 years old with either 2 years riding experience or the satisfactory completion of an approved motorcycle safety course. Any operator under 21 would be required to wear a DOT compliant helmet. Passengers over 21 would be permitted helmet choice if the operator qualified for choice.
Motorcycle EMT Unit Prince George’s County:
This bill was supported by ABATE and would have authorized an EMT motorcycle unit in Prince George’s county. The concept was that a properly equipped motorcycle operated by an Emergency Medical Technician could arrive at many calls well in advance of a regular EMT ambulance. The bill did not get a vote.
Autocycle bill:
This bill, which was passed and signed by the Governor, authorizes a new style of motor vehicle in Maryland known as an “Autocycle”. This bill required a good bit of work on the part of ABATE to protect motorcyclist’s rights with regard to how Autocycles will impact motorcycling. Autocycles have side by side seating, a steering wheel, 2 wheels in front and one drive wheel in the rear, and by law will require the operator and passenger to wear helmets and seat belts. They will have motorcycle tags but will have their own body style classification for statistical purposes.
This vehicle is built to motorcycle safety standards but is in reality the front half of a car without the car safety features. We did not want the crash statistics to negatively impact motorcycling and our ability to lobby on behalf of motorcyclists. ABATE representatives worked with the bill sponsors, the MVA, and the representatives of Polaris, who produce the most well known Autocycle and were leading the drive to legalize them, to find the most acceptable language to all concerned.
This vehicle is built to motorcycle safety standards but is in reality the front half of a car without the car safety features. We did not want the crash statistics to negatively impact motorcycling and our ability to lobby on behalf of motorcyclists. ABATE representatives worked with the bill sponsors, the MVA, and the representatives of Polaris, who produce the most well known Autocycle and were leading the drive to legalize them, to find the most acceptable language to all concerned.
Bill to Restrict Child Passengers on Motorcycles:
This bill would have would have made it illegal for any child under 10 years old to ride on a motorcycle in Maryland. This law would have applied to private property as well as public roads. ABATE does not believe it is the state’s responsibility to be the parent and that the decision of when to allow your child to ride, as long as it is safe for them to do so, should rest with the parent. ABATE lobbied strongly against this bill and saw it receive an unfavorable report in committee which stopped the bill.
There was also language in the bill about the passenger, if between 10 and 12 years old, being able to rest their feet on the footrests. ABATE will look over this and consider it in future legislation. While ABATE does not appreciate undue restrictions and interference on personal freedoms we do understand safety is key will work on language to address the issue.
There was also language in the bill about the passenger, if between 10 and 12 years old, being able to rest their feet on the footrests. ABATE will look over this and consider it in future legislation. While ABATE does not appreciate undue restrictions and interference on personal freedoms we do understand safety is key will work on language to address the issue.
Motorcycle profiling:
This bill was requested by the Coalition of Clubs with ABATE’s endorsement and support. The bill requires all police agencies in Maryland to receive training at both the entry level and in-service to understand what constitutes profiling of motorcyclists and how to avoid profiling of individuals based on the fact that they wear motorcycle related clothing or paraphernalia and/or ride a motorcycle. This bill passed and was signed into law with only one no vote.
Legislative Session 2015
Motorcycle only checkpoints- House Bill 917 – Passed
Sponsored by Delegate Ben Kramer passed the General Assembly and is now waiting for the Governor’s signature to become law. This bill, effective Oct 1, will make motorcycle only checkpoints illegal in Maryland.
Speeding fines – Withdrawn by Sponsor
A bill to double the fines for exceeding the speed limit by more than 40MPH which applied to ONLY motorcycles was withdrawn by the sponsor after several weeks of negotiations by ABATE representatives.
Create a motorcycle EMT unit in Prince George’s County – Withdrawn by Sponsor
While we did not request this bill ABATE supported this bill with testimony. The bill was withdrawn by the sponsor because they said it was too costly. We disagree and will work to see this bill brought up again next year.
Sponsored by Delegate Ben Kramer passed the General Assembly and is now waiting for the Governor’s signature to become law. This bill, effective Oct 1, will make motorcycle only checkpoints illegal in Maryland.
Speeding fines – Withdrawn by Sponsor
A bill to double the fines for exceeding the speed limit by more than 40MPH which applied to ONLY motorcycles was withdrawn by the sponsor after several weeks of negotiations by ABATE representatives.
Create a motorcycle EMT unit in Prince George’s County – Withdrawn by Sponsor
While we did not request this bill ABATE supported this bill with testimony. The bill was withdrawn by the sponsor because they said it was too costly. We disagree and will work to see this bill brought up again next year.
Legislative Session 2014
The bill to stop motorcycle only checkpoints, while not passed, gained momentum.
Legislative Session 2013
Handicapped tags for motorcycles- This successful 2nd attempt at this law permits up to 2 handicapped tags on motorcycles in addition to one on a car when the rider meets the requirements for handicapped tags. Until this law a person was only allowed one “hard” tag and a placard for the disabled.
Legislative Session 2012
Tire Age Notification – Did not pass
Motorcycle Only Checkpoint Prohibition – Did not pass
Handicapped Tags-Extra tag for Motorcycle-Passed House – No action Senate
Motorcycle Learners Permit-Extend Expiration Date – No action
Motorcycle Helmet Law Modification-Insurance Requirement – No action
Motorcycle Only Checkpoint Prohibition – Did not pass
Handicapped Tags-Extra tag for Motorcycle-Passed House – No action Senate
Motorcycle Learners Permit-Extend Expiration Date – No action
Motorcycle Helmet Law Modification-Insurance Requirement – No action
Legislative Session 2011
Motorcycle Parking at Publicly Funded Parking Facilities – Passed
Introduced by former rider Delegate Cheryl Glenn of Baltimore City, passed on the first try. This bill made it illegal for any parking facility that uses or benefits from any type of public funding to deny access to motorcycles.
Motorcycle Helmet Use-Fine-Did not pass
Introduced by former rider Delegate Cheryl Glenn of Baltimore City, passed on the first try. This bill made it illegal for any parking facility that uses or benefits from any type of public funding to deny access to motorcycles.
Motorcycle Helmet Use-Fine-Did not pass
Legislative Session 2010
Auxiliary Lighting Clarification – Passed
This bill was required because 1 police officer wrote citations for auxiliary lighting which met the specifications in the original bill because the bill did not specifically state that this lighting could “be used”
Motorcycle Dealers Sunday Operations Anne Arundel County – Passed
Helmet Law Modification – Did not pass
This bill was required because 1 police officer wrote citations for auxiliary lighting which met the specifications in the original bill because the bill did not specifically state that this lighting could “be used”
Motorcycle Dealers Sunday Operations Anne Arundel County – Passed
Helmet Law Modification – Did not pass
Legislative Session 2009
Motorcycle at Red Light – Did not pass
Motorcycle Dealers Sunday Operations Worcester County – Passed
Helmet Law Modification – Did not-pass
Helmet Law Modification Sunset Clause – Did not pass
Motorcycle Dealers Sunday Operations Worcester County – Passed
Helmet Law Modification – Did not-pass
Helmet Law Modification Sunset Clause – Did not pass
Legislative Session 2008
Auxiliary lighting – Passed
This bill, which passed in the first attempt, allowed certain accent lighting on motorcycles to increase nighttime visibility, was well received, and ABATE was commended for bringing the safety aspects of this issue to the General assembly
Motorcycle tag sizing – Passed
Motorcycle tag size standardization- Until this bill passed Maryland was one of only 3 states which did not have the standard sized motorcycle tag. Ours was oversized and did not fit stock brackets on motorcycles. This bill reduced the size of our tags to come in line with 47 other states.
Definition of a Motorcycle – Passed
Legal Definition of a motorcycle- this bill officially changed the definition to allow motorcycles with two
wheels on the front to accommodate the new style that was developed.
Helmet Law Modification – Did not pass
Right of Way Violation Penalties: After several years of trying, and the death of then State Director Marty Schultz by a right of way violator, the bill to increase penalties for right of way violations to $1,000 and 180 day loss of license was passed and enacted. ABATE is constantly working to improve and enhance this bill. (SB 712 & HB 1231)
This bill, which passed in the first attempt, allowed certain accent lighting on motorcycles to increase nighttime visibility, was well received, and ABATE was commended for bringing the safety aspects of this issue to the General assembly
Motorcycle tag sizing – Passed
Motorcycle tag size standardization- Until this bill passed Maryland was one of only 3 states which did not have the standard sized motorcycle tag. Ours was oversized and did not fit stock brackets on motorcycles. This bill reduced the size of our tags to come in line with 47 other states.
Definition of a Motorcycle – Passed
Legal Definition of a motorcycle- this bill officially changed the definition to allow motorcycles with two
wheels on the front to accommodate the new style that was developed.
Helmet Law Modification – Did not pass
Right of Way Violation Penalties: After several years of trying, and the death of then State Director Marty Schultz by a right of way violator, the bill to increase penalties for right of way violations to $1,000 and 180 day loss of license was passed and enacted. ABATE is constantly working to improve and enhance this bill. (SB 712 & HB 1231)
Legislative Session 2007
Right of Way Violation Penalties – Did not pass
Helmet Law – Did not pass
Helmet Law – Did not pass
Legislative Session 2006
Helmet Law – Did not pass
Right-of-Way Violation Penalties – Did not pass
Right-of-Way Violation Penalties – Did not pass
Legislative Session 2005
Helmet Law – Did not pass
Right-of-Way Violation Penalties – Did not pass
Right-of-Way Violation Penalties – Did not pass
Legislative Session 2004
Helmet Law – Did not pass
Right-of-Way Violation Penalties – Did not pass
Mandatory Motorcycle Safety Program – Did not pass
Right-of-Way Violation Penalties – Did not pass
Mandatory Motorcycle Safety Program – Did not pass
Legislative Session 2003
Helmet Law – Did not pass
Right-of-Way Violation Penalties – Did not pass
Right-of-Way Violation Penalties – Did not pass
Legislative Session 2002
Helmet Law – Did not pass
Veteran License Plates – Passed
Equal Access to Public Facilities – No Action
Agriculture License Plates – Passed
Veteran License Plates – Passed
Equal Access to Public Facilities – No Action
Agriculture License Plates – Passed
Legislative Session 2001
Helmet Law – Did not pass
Equal Access to Public Facilities – No Action
Bill to Prohibit Children as Passengers on Motorcycles – Unfavorable Report
Mandatory Motorcycle Safety Program – Withdrawn by Sponsor
Miss Information from Governors Office to Influence the Helmet Law History From 1992
Maryland Motorcycle Accident/Fatality Information (October, 2000)
Goldstein Study – The Effect of Motorcycle Helmet Use on the Probability of Fatality and the Severity of Head And Neck Injuries
Equal Access to Public Facilities – No Action
Bill to Prohibit Children as Passengers on Motorcycles – Unfavorable Report
Mandatory Motorcycle Safety Program – Withdrawn by Sponsor
Miss Information from Governors Office to Influence the Helmet Law History From 1992
Maryland Motorcycle Accident/Fatality Information (October, 2000)
Goldstein Study – The Effect of Motorcycle Helmet Use on the Probability of Fatality and the Severity of Head And Neck Injuries
Legislative Session 2000
Helmet Law – Did not pass
Letter to MTA regarding MTAG (electronic toll collection)(January 12, 2000)
MTAG Notice to all Motorcyclists (September, 1999) The quality of the scanned image is not good and the flyer can be difficult to read. If you would like a copy sent to you from MTA call 1-888-321-MTAG and ask for the ‘Notice To All Motorcyclists’.
Letter to MTA regarding MTAG (electronic toll collection)(January 12, 2000)
MTAG Notice to all Motorcyclists (September, 1999) The quality of the scanned image is not good and the flyer can be difficult to read. If you would like a copy sent to you from MTA call 1-888-321-MTAG and ask for the ‘Notice To All Motorcyclists’.
Legislative Session 1999
Helmet Law – Did not pass – Senate Bill 239
This bill provides that motorcycle helmet laws apply only to minors. Current law requires anyone riding or operating a motorcycle to wear a helmet.
ABATE Testimony (February, 1999)
NHTSA Testimony (February, 1999)
DOT Inspector General Findings of NHTSA Testimony (June, 1999)
NHTSA July Legislative Update (July, 1999)
GEICO Testimony – GEICO Wants Your Rights (February, 1999)
GEICO provided written testimony for the SB 239 committee hearing. In the summarizing paragraph, they stated that, “SOME RIGHTS ARE NOT WORTH HAVING”. Who authorized them to decide which ones are worthy and which ones are not?
Maryland Motorcycle Accident and Fatality Statistics (September 1999)
This bill provides that motorcycle helmet laws apply only to minors. Current law requires anyone riding or operating a motorcycle to wear a helmet.
ABATE Testimony (February, 1999)
NHTSA Testimony (February, 1999)
DOT Inspector General Findings of NHTSA Testimony (June, 1999)
NHTSA July Legislative Update (July, 1999)
GEICO Testimony – GEICO Wants Your Rights (February, 1999)
GEICO provided written testimony for the SB 239 committee hearing. In the summarizing paragraph, they stated that, “SOME RIGHTS ARE NOT WORTH HAVING”. Who authorized them to decide which ones are worthy and which ones are not?
Maryland Motorcycle Accident and Fatality Statistics (September 1999)